10 Cheesiest Moments in the Rocky Movies

10 Cheesiest Moments in the Rocky Movies

the rocky These installments are considered to be great Hollywood productions that deserve to be globally recognized as must-see boxing movies. A lot happens in these films, including Apollo Creed being beaten to death in the ring by Soviet boxer Ivan Drago, and Adrian dying of cancer. Given these developments, it's easy to assume that this is the darkest franchise ever. However, there are no further details. Raging Bull There are levels of melancholy here. The characters never take themselves too seriously. They joke around, have fun, and make a lot of ridiculous choices.

The attempt to create humor and maintain a good tone has resulted in many ridiculous moments throughout the franchise. While these scenes do not tarnish the quality of their films, they do leave the audience staring in disbelief. Whether it is the main character trying to crack a joke or the supporting characters reacting to various situations in a ridiculous way, there is no shortage of over-the-top scenes.

10 Rocky yells at Adrian's brother through the window, telling him he's with his sister.

Rocky (1976)

Midway rocky, The main character begins to build a relationship with Paulie's sister, Adrian Benigno, played by legendary actor Burt Young. When Adrian expresses reservations about spending time in the boxer's apartment, he takes a bold approach to dealing with the situation. He simply opens the window and shouts, “Hey, Paulie, your sister is here with me! I'll call you later, okay?”

Unusual Love Language

There are many ways a man can make a woman feel comfortable in his apartment. Yelling at her brother through the window isn’t the first thing that comes to mind for many people, but Rocky does it anyway. He’s confident because he knows Paulie, but yelling seems awkward. However, this action fits Rocky’s personality. Not only is he brave, but he also tends to not worry about anything.

9 Rocky touches a cow carcass and says “Moooo!”

Rocky (1976)

During Rocky's first encounter with Paulie inside the meat locker, he briefly stops talking to touch a carcass and whispers “moo” as a way of imitating the sound of cattle. This surprises Paulie a bit, but he continues the conversation, offering to help the boxer in exchange for advertising his meat packing business.

The scene has become a bad thing because of the current focus on animal rights. Most activists would not accept Rocky's decision to mock a dead cow. Even at the time of the film's release, the scene still seemed unnecessary because it made Rocky look childish.

A better scene involving dead cattle can be found a few minutes later. In this scene, Rocky uses a dead cow as a punching bag, because its flesh is so similar to human flesh. This gives him a good idea of ​​what it feels like to be punched in the boxing ring.

8 The ring turns into a prison cell.

Creed 3 (2022)

Michael B. Jordan was free to impose his artistic vision and demonstrate his skills as a director for the first time in Creed 3Okay, maybe he overdid it a little. During Anderson's epic fight with Jordan,, The ring briefly transforms into a dreamscape. The fans in the stands are cut away, and all the audience can see are the two boxers throwing everything they have at each other. Shortly after the crowd falls away, the ring transforms into a prison cell, a nod to Anderson's time behind bars.

Borrowing from anime

Anime productions are filled with fight scenes where the audience is turned away, allowing the camera to focus solely on the two opponents. However, the style doesn't fit well here because rocky The films are more grounded in reality. Fans can appreciate the effort, as it's clearly a way to make the franchise look more artistic than it usually is, but instead of amplifying the intensity of the fight, it makes it look more cartoonish, ruining what could have been one of the best cinematic showdowns.

7 Rocky begs Adrian to hold him as Thunderlips throws him out of the ring.

Rocky III (1982)

Crossover fights have become all the rage lately, thanks to Floyd Mayweather, Francis Ngannou and many others. Well, Rocky can claim to have done it first, at least in fiction. Rocky III, Rocky meets professional wrestler Thunderlips (Hulk Hogan) in a ratings-shattering duel. As expected, Rocky's situation gets awkward. At one point, Thunderlips grabs Rocky and throws him out of the ring. Fearing a violent fall, Rocky looks at Adrian and screams, “Catch me!”

risky request

Rocky should know that he shouldn't ask Adrian to hold him. She's not as strong or heavy as he is. It makes sense for Rocky to hold someone like Mikey. Still, it's nice to have someone to act as a landing pad for his lover when he's in danger of crashing to the ground and breaking his limbs. The funny twist underscores the affection and trust the two feel for each other.


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6 Mickey trains Rocky by having him chase a rooster.

Rocky II (1979)

The cinema is filled with many great training montages and Rocky chases a rooster in Rocky Part II None of them. Here, Stallone’s animal obsession continues. As the film’s sole screenwriter, he happily wrote the scene where Mickey orders Rocky Balboa to chase a rooster to increase his speed. Fans even enjoy a famous line to cap the absurdity: “I feel like a Kentucky Fried Chicken idiot!”

Weird training program

According to Pets on Mom, a chicken can run at a top speed of 9 mph, while humans have been clocked at speeds of up to 45 mph. So using a rooster to boost Boxer's speed doesn't seem wise. What's even worse is the way Rocky celebrates with the chicken like it's a trophy after catching it. While the line “Kentucky Fried Idiot” is funny, it's not a very good joke because it doesn't mean anything.

5 Rocky looks up when Adonis says his phone is in the cloud.

Creed (2015)

After agreeing to train Adonis, the son of his former friend Apollo, Rocky has a great time with the young man. Their conversation leads to some memorable events. Creed Moments, most notably when Adonis takes a picture of the training schedule that Rocky printed out for him. Rocky advises the young boxer to keep the paper because his phone might break, but Adonis reminds him that the picture is in the cloud. Well, Rocky doesn't let on what the cloud is, so he looks up at the sky.

Stuck in the 70s and 80s

Watching Rocky tilt his head to the sky to find Adonis’ phone is both hilarious and ridiculous at the same time. This moment is a perfect reminder that Rocky Balboa is a relic of the 70s and 80s. He simply doesn’t fit in with the modern world, so it makes sense that he would pass the torch to Adonis. As ridiculous as the scene is, it makes sense because it’s normal for older people to ignore the latest technological advances.

4 Paulie asks why Thunderlips is being carried through the crowd (because of his height), yet he walks.

Rocky III (1982)

Rocky 3 The film gets some humor from supporting cast member Hulk Hogan, who is 6'7″. As the wrestler, Thunderlips, walks through the crowd on his way to the ring, Paulie asks him why he is being carried. Mickey then tells him that he is actually walking. He appears to be being carried because he is so tall.

Recognizing the threat

The scene is necessary because it prepares the audience for the threat. Because Thunderlips is so tall, he is likely to cause Rocky difficulty in the ring. Through Paul's words, the desperation that is raging around Rocky's camp is also highlighted.

However, it is unlikely that Paulie would have been ignorant of Thunderlips' height. As someone who is heavily involved in boxing, he must have known the wrestler's height before he showed up.

3 Paulie gets a robot butler as a birthday present

Rocky IV (1985)

one of Rocky IVPaulie's unexpected moments include receiving a robot as a birthday present. At first, he is annoyed by the AI, but after changing its voice and behavior to reflect that of his dream wife, he is happier. Apollo, too, almost panics after seeing the robot.

Riding the sci-fi wave

The inclusion of the robot in the film was presumably a deliberate move to keep up with the sci-fi wave of the 1980s. Most of the blockbusters at the time were futuristic concepts, so Stallone and United Artists decided to jump on the bandwagon. Unfortunately, this is another part that doesn’t fit into the beautiful puzzle. The robot scene is so bizarre that it was cut from the director’s cut.

2 Rocky warns his son not to hide explicit drawing from his mother

Rocky V (1990)

by Rocky V, The franchise had already jumped the shark, as evidenced by the low Rotten Tomatoes rating. Despite this, the wheel kept turning. The film has a few memorable scenes, and one standout involves Rocky finding a drawing of a plump, nude woman in his son Rocky Jr.'s room. When his son informs him that it's his French teacher, Rocky says, “Yes, it looks French to me. I wouldn't show that to your mother, because she doesn't understand French very well.”

The most wonderful father?

The dialogue is somewhere between clever and awkward. It's odd that Rocky Jr. would be honest enough to tell his father that he drew his French teacher. It's also odd that Rocky dismisses all of this with a cheeky remark. However, his line is golden because he suggests that he “understands French” (he understands why his son is obsessed with a French teacher) while his wife would likely find the whole thing disgusting and thus punish the boy.


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1 Rocky claims to see three dragons.

Rocky IV (1985)

Rocky takes heavy beatings from his opponents throughout the franchise. The brutality gets even worse when he meets Soviet boxer Ivan Drago in Rocky IV. During the match, the champion was so badly beaten that when he retreated to his corner during the break, he told his team that he saw three different dragos in the ring. Funny enough, one of them advised him to hit him in the middle.

Cartoon dizziness

Such a scene would be more appropriate for a cartoon or comedy. Furthermore, boxers are not allowed to continue fighting if their vision is not good enough. As ridiculous as it may seem, Rocky’s exposure helps to portray him as the true underdog, setting the stage for a powerful comeback. Fighting your opponent when you can’t see very well is much cooler than fighting him when you are at your best.


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