10 Marvel Characters Who Wore the Infinity Gauntlet (Besides Thanos)

10 Marvel Characters Who Wore the Infinity Gauntlet (Besides Thanos)

In the Marvel Universe, one of the most powerful items is the Infinity Gauntlet, which can allow the wearer to do nearly anything they can imagine. Typically, it is powered by six Infinity Gems, representing Power, Space, Soul, Reality, Time, and Mind. Many characters are associated with the Infinity Gauntlet, including the supervillain Thanos, who wishes to use the device to erase half of the universe, in what would become one of Marvel’s most famous storylines.

However, Thanos isn’t the only character to have worn or even used the Infinity Gauntlet. One story even has Santa Claus wearing the device. The list of characters who’ve donned the Gauntlet includes both of Marvel’s heroes and villains.

This sometimes happens in special universes or in non-canon stories. In fact, in a story where a character can rewrite reality, then a character can even go back and prevent themselves from using it in the first place.

10 Iron Man

Tony Stark, Iron Man himself, would become the first human being to wear the Infinity Gauntlet. In Avengers Vol. 4, Parker Robbins, also known as the Hood, discovered where one of the Infinity Gems was located. It had been in the possession of the Inhumans’ Black Bolt, who was deceased. The royal family was unaware of the gem, leaving it unprotected.

Stark Was the First Human to Wear it

During the conflict that ensured, Hood attempted to wish Iron Man out of existence, but the hero reappeared donning the Gauntlet, calling forth the Reality Gem. Stark noted the temptation to use the Gauntlet to improve the world, but decided such a world still wouldn’t be the world they lived in. However, Stark would use its power for two things: to send Hood back to jail and to make it look as if the Gauntlet was destroyed. However, in truth, they were secretly given away to the Illuminati to keep them safe.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Stark, with the help of Bruce Banner and Rocket Raccoon, designed the “Nano Gauntlet,” which could contain the Infinity Stones, much like the Infinity Gauntlet. By Avengers: Endgame, Stark would manage to gain control of the Infinity Stones, using their power to sacrifice himself to stop Thanos.

9 Adam Warlock

Adam Warlock is a being created on Earth to serve as the next evolutionary step for the human race, originally known as “Him.” Despite being created to take over the world, Warlock eventually became a superhero, fighting against his evil counterpart, Magus. He often serves as the bearer of the Soul Stone and the leader of the Infinity Watch, as well as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The Power of the Soul Gem

In the Infinity Gauntlet series, Warlock battles Nebula for control of the Infinity Gauntlet. In order to prevent Nebula from gaining control over the Gems, Warlock places himself inside the Soul Gem. As a war between cosmic beings erupts, Warlock comes into possession of the Gauntlet, commanding an end to the conflict. Effectively ascending to Godhood, Warlock was later convinced by the Living Tribunal to divide up the gems, retaining the Soul Gem for himself.

8 Spider-Man

The Avengers and the Infinity Gauntlet was a lighter take on the Infinity Gauntlet storyline aimed at younger readers. However, one main change made to the story was allowing another famous Marvel superhero to wear the Gauntlet. While Thanos was distracted, Spider-Man was able to obtain the Gauntlet and use its power to undo Thanos’ actions, which included eradicating half of the universe.

A Victory Soon Forgotten

Effectively erasing what had happened from time, Spider-Man was seemingly left the only one who still remembered what had happened. While the famous web-slinger mused to himself that being a hero isn’t about the glory, the final few scenes implied Thanos may also remember Spider-Man stopping him and is plotting his revenge.

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7 Mister Fantastic

Reed Richards, also known as Mister Fantastic, the leader of The Fantastic Four, is revealed to have been investigating the Infinity Gems in New Avengers: Illuminati, something he initially kept under wraps. Obtaining and donning the Gauntlet, he uses its power to find the needed Gems. Noting that the Gauntlet was previously used to erase him from existence, he feels it is too much of a risk not allowing such a powerful item to be contained.

Even the Watcher Gets Involved

Initially seeking to destroy the Gauntlet, it soon appeared that Richards was unable to resist the temptation of its power, ignoring protests of taking it off. This even spurred the Watcher to appear. However, Richards decided on an alternative to using it: dividing up the gems once again among other Marvel heroes, effectively forming the Illuminati.

Interestingly, this wouldn’t be the only story connecting Richards to the Gauntlet. In another story, Richards’ analogues from other universes were revealed to have formed the Council of Reeds. The three founders were noted for possessing the Infinity Gauntlet of their universe.

6 The Hulk

The Hulk manages to wear the Nano Gauntlet in Avengers: Endgame, severely weakening him, but another version of the character managed to use more than one in the comics. In Marvel’s Ultimate universe, not only are there eight Infinity Gems instead of six, they are also spread across two Gauntlets, though they are less powerful than the one in the main continuity.

Naturally, one of Marvel’s strongest characters would wear them: Bruce Banner, who became the Hulk in this universe through the Super-Solider Serum experiments.

Two Gauntlets for One Hulk

Banner’s alter-ego initially works alongside the Ultimates, but gets contained after losing control. A mysterious woman named Kang frees him to form the Dark Ultimates. The released Hulk now contains both of the Gauntlets, though with only six of the eight Infinity Gems needed. The Ultimates went so far as to melt the Hulk to fight back. While the Hulk reformed, he only kept one of the Gauntlets.

5 Doctor Doom

Various stories have seen Doctor Doom obtain a version of the Infinity Gauntlet. One story starts out during a sort of truce with The Fantastic Four. After seemingly dying while protecting the universe from the Celestials, he soon encounters the Council of Reeds.

During this time, Doom manages to get his hands on two Infinity Gauntlets, as well as alternate versions of himself being held as prisoners. This inspires him to make his own villainous council: the Parliament of Doom.

For Doom, for Better or Worse

Another time Doom was able to obtain such power was in the story, “What If… Doctor Doom Kept the Beyonder’s Powers?,” also starting off with Doom facing off against the Celestials. In order to prevent any challenges to his new supremacy, Doom even obtains the Infinity Gems. However, it turns out the fight with the Celestials has transformed the Earth into a frozen, barren wasteland. In the end, Doom restores the Earth and relinquishes his power.

4 Lockjaw

Superheroes come in all shapes and sizes, and this is seen with Lockjaw, one of Marvel’s most famous animal heroes. He is a giant Inhuman bulldog that has the power to teleport. He protects the Inhuman Royal Family while serving as their escort.

Though Lockjaw Preferred an Infinity Collar

In Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers, the title heroes are on a quest to find the Infinity Stones, with Lockjaw finding the Mind Gem near the Inhumans’ home, Attilan. The powerful pooch decides to assemble the Gauntlet, though it ends up becoming a dog collar on him. Thanos underestimates Lockjaw during their inevitable showdown and is ultimately banished to another dimension for all his troubles. By the end, the Pet-Avengers give the Gauntlet to Reed Richards.

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3 Captain America

In the New Avengers series, Black Panther once discovers a parallel Earth is heading close to Wakanda and the event could risk destroying both universes. In order to prevent the impending disaster, Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, who serves as a member of the Illuminati, dons the Infinity Gauntlet.

Using it Came at a Price

While it initially seemed to work, using it came at a steep price: the Infinity Gauntlet was destroyed in the process. This leaves the heroes in a terrifying position: they’ve lost the greatest power that could help when another great threat shows up on the horizon. This meant the only option upon another attack was to destroy the alternate Earth and its inhabitants. Rogers was horrified by the idea, but, being in the minority among the Illuminati to think so, ended up with his memories erased.

2 Black Panther

T’Challa, the Black Panther and the ruler of Wakanda, proved to be a capable user of the Infinity Gauntlet. During the Secret Wars storyline, Doctor Doom managed to steal the powers of the Beyonders, allowing him to create a world called the Battleworld, where he was seen as a god and king. Doctor Strange, however, placed an Infinity Gauntlet somewhere in this world thanks to his suspicions of Doom.

A Gauntlet Worthy of a King

Eventually, surviving members of the Illuminati found their way to Battleworld, with Black Panther and Namor coming across the Gauntlet. Panther was able to wear the device, granting him power to fight off an empowered Doom during their final battle.

Once Doom was ultimately defeated, Blank Panther was able to go back in time to change this reality, preventing incursions that caused the events of the story, preventing deaths and pinpointing the future of Wakanda towards space.

1 Deadpool

The fourth-wall-breaking Deadpool is one of Marvel’s more comedic heroes, so it’s only natural him getting his hand into the Infinity Gauntlet would create a larger-than-life, world-breaking story. In the Deadpool story, Deadpool Roasts the Marvel Universe, Thanos has tasked Deadpool with the Infinity Gauntlet, only for the hero to pull a switcheroo and keep the item for himself.

And Everybody’s Invited…

Naturally, Deadpool arranges a lavish roast, with multiple Marvel characters in attendance, complete with Howard the Duck serving as the special guest emcee. After a few jokes, Deadpool freezes his world so he can address the reader, noting he doesn’t want to break the illusion for the other characters about their world. Deadpool decides to go back to the start, relinquishing the power of the Gauntlet back to Thanos.


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