50 Terrible Movies by Great Directors

50 Terrible Movies by Great Directors

Cinematic disasters Hollywood’s greatest geniuses would love to forget–starring Martin Scorsese, Clint Eastwood, David Fincher, and more

Show us a director that never created at least one genuine turkey of a movie, and we’ll show a director with an extremely short career. There’s simply too many things that can go wrong once a movie goes into production: The budget can get slashed, filming might start before the script is finalized, key actors could drop out, and the studio could meddle in all sorts of irksome ways.

That’s why titans of cinema like Martin Scorsese, Frances Ford Coppola, Steven Spielgerg, James Cameron, and Ridley Scott all have at least one movie they wish they could erase from their IMDB page. Some of them were made when they were young novices without any real ability to say no. Some of them were made at the peak of their powers when they made horrid bad decisions out of greed, hubris, or temporary insanity. And many were shot in the waning days of their careers when getting a green light for any project was difficult. 

With all this in mind, we assembled this list of 50 truly terrible movies by otherwise brilliant directors. We know some of these will be controversial choices. There are folks out there that truly love Alien 3, Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace, and Jupiter Ascending. One moviegoer’s disaster is another moviegoer’s cult classic. But we don’t think there are many hardcore Jack, North, or Wild, Wild West fans out there. These are terrible, terrible movies. If we gave truth serum to Frances Ford Coppola, Rob Reiner, and Barry Sonnenfield, they’d all likely agree. 


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