90 Day Fiance’s Messiest Breakups, Ranked

90 Day Fiance’s Messiest Breakups, Ranked

People love love. That’s why millions anticipate the latest swoony romance films and television shows or return to old classics. It’s also why since the early 2000s, there have been a plethora of dating reality shows dedicated to watching people try to find their perfect match. The instantaneous connections and innocence of two people falling in love are addictive and wholesome. Then there’s 90 Day Fiancé and its many spinoffs.

This reality show is known for one thing: drama. The show follows a couple, typically an American and someone from abroad, trying to close the gap of their previous long-distance relationship. Most do this by getting married, which they have ninety days to do before the non-U.S. citizen has to leave the country.

While some of the couples have developed strong, healthy relationships, others (some would argue most) have not. The breakups on the show can get nasty and TLC’s cameras are often there to document it all. So whether it was the final straw or one of many splits, here are the messiest 90 Day Fiancé breakups.

12 Corey and Evelin

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Season 3

In 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, the American participant moves to where their partner lives. Such was the case when Corey set out to join his partner Evelin in Ecuador. They had a lot of history already once the cameras began rolling, including a previous breakup. During that time, Corey traveled around South America and met a woman he had a brief fling with. While that was over, Evelin could never let it go.

Does She Even Like Him?

Evelin’s laser focus on Corey’s supposed cheating befuddled some viewers, because weren’t they broken up? It’s made all the more confusing when Evelin’s fidelity is thrown into question, though she brushes off most accusations.

Corey was no angel in the relationship, but Evelin seemed to hate her fiancé (and later husband) at times. Evelin attempted to kick him out of her place and refused to speak with him. Then Corey refused to sign the divorce papers despite her constant requests. Messy, messy, messy. But the two later welcomed a child, so this fissure was not irreparable.

11 Yve and Mohamed

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé Season 9

Pretty much everyone knew Yve and Mohamed wouldn’t last from the first episode. Yve was a woman from the States dating an Egyptian man nearly half her age. Mohamed didn’t approve of the more liberal lifestyle Yve enjoyed, a cultural shock that comes up often on this show.

While many viewers disagreed with Mohamed’s stance on topics like what Yve should or shouldn’t wear, the first meeting with Yve’s friend also left a bad taste in viewers’ mouths. Her friends appeared to be purposefully invasive and inappropriate to get a reaction out of Mohamed. Not cool.

In It for One Thing

As the season continued, many wondered why the two seemed to be engaged. Whether it was trying to convert Yve to a different religion or control what she wears, does, and says, it didn’t seem like Mohamed loved anything about the actual woman he was in a relationship with. When Mohamed said he would find another sponsor to get him to the States if she postponed the wedding, that confirmed many people’s suspicions.

To end this already messy relationship, Mohamed was cheating and told the other woman he’d divorce Yve after obtaining a green card. Yikes.

10 Mike and Natalie

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé Season 7

There was a lot of hope for Mike and Natalie, which made their breakup so heartbreaking. When Mike came to the Ukraine to see Natalie in her home country, things went relatively well. That’s not to say it was perfect. Their thoughts on children and how fast to progress their relationship was an issue sure to follow them as Natalie moved to America.

If Natalie thought the idea of living in Washington meant being in the metropolitan city of Seattle, she quickly faced reality with Mike’s secluded town.

Just Say How You Feel

Natalie was easily triggered and Mike shut down in the face of conflict. These were major issues in their relationship, but many believed they could’ve worked it out. Alas, it didn’t happen. The beginning of the end occurred when Natalie took off her engagement ring during an argument, an act Mike couldn’t let go of. Stonewalling became his new M.O. and the communication began to splinter like the wood he chopped in the forests.

Natalie was featured in a spin-off, The Single Life, and still had contact with Mike. Perhaps there’s still hope?

Related: 90 Day Fiancé: Other Couples That Deserve Their Own Spinoffs

9 Darcey and Tom

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

Some cast members are one and done during their time on 90 Day Fiancé, and for others, the production team knows they’ve hit reality TV gold. Such is the case with Darcey Silva from Connecticut. Those previously mentioned people who love love? That describes Darcey, who some fans characterize as “desperate” to get married, no matter if the relationship is working or not.

After a tumultuous relationship documented in the spinoff series Before the90 Days, we got to see Darcey try love again with Tom from England.

No Visible Spark

From the get-go, their relationship was… peculiar. We had typical Darcey-isms of proposing marriage within the first few hours of meeting, but it was hard to tell… why. It never really seemed like Tom liked her very much, and their incompatibility screamed for attention each episode.

Things came to a rough end when Tom distanced himself from Darcey and started seeing another woman when it wasn’t clear if it was done. Even those who dislike Darcey admit that Tom was nasty during their breakup chat, rudely asking her if she gained weight. This relationship was doomed from the start.

8 Ed and Rose

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Season 4

Perhaps one of the most disliked participants of this franchise is Ed or Big Ed. In Before the 90 Days, his love interest was Rose, a Filipino woman approximately three decades younger than him. There was a huge communication barrier, but sometimes love is a universal language that trumps all. Not the case here.

Their relationship was awkward from the start, with Rose appearing uncomfortable around Ed. Big Ed himself was quite pushy and made remarks that belittled or humiliated Rose.

He Said, She Said

Later in their season, a question surrounding Rose scheming with her family to scam Ed became a major point of contention. Once Ed revealed he had a vasectomy and didn’t want children (knowing Rose did), things completely fell apart. At the tell-all, both Ed and Rose claimed the other was still contacting the other.

According to Ed, Rose wanted to get back with him. Rose claims she was just being nice. Then his daughter got thrown into the mix. Watch this relationship to see why despite the lukewarm reception to Ed, he continues to appear on the show.

Related: The 20 Most Unforgettable TLC TV Shows, Ranked

7 Nicole and Azan

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé Season 4

Nicole and Azan’s relationship came across like two children trying to play house. Nicole headed for Morocco with lots of optimism about her relationship, though her family didn’t have as much faith. From the start, she pictured Azan stepping into the role of husband and stepfather to her young child.

Azan also seemed hopeful about their future, though neither party had much direction for their future. Besides a shaky financial and career situation, they didn’t see eye-to-eye about how to raise a family, among other issues.

Was Either Ready for a Relationship?

This couple was messy in so many aspects. They lied to their family about opening up a business. To an outsider, Nicole appeared more into Azan than he was into her. Yet what explained her cheating on him? And when he said he’s only “fifty-five percent” attracted to Nicole, the cringe was felt around the world.

Though it was temporary, one of their messiest splits happened when Azan learned of Nicole’s infidelity. While taking his space from her, Nicole hounded him with calls and videos, including of her daughter calling him “daddy.” Sweet or manipulative?

6 Colt and Larissa

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé Season 6

Colt (also known as Colty) had a chaotic relationship with Larissa, his partner from Brazil. At the start, Colt was the sympathetic one. Sure, he was a bit nerdy and seemed overly attached to his mom Debbie who he lived with, but he seemed like an OK guy. Larissa, on the other hand, came across as a bit rude.

From the moment she got off the plane, she complained about everything and seemed to be materialistic. But the view of their relationship began to tilt the longer we watched their relationship unfold.

What’s the Truth?

It became clear that Colt felt a lack of control in his life, in part because of his overbearing mother. He took that out on Larissa, calling the police on her and dangling her immigration status. Many viewers call into question the legitimacy of his need to involve the police. No matter where the truth lies, by that point a divorce seemed imminent. Another woman getting involved (no, not just Debbie) seemed to be the final straw.

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5 Danielle and Mohamed

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé Season 2

Open up a chatroom and meet a handsome guy across the world? Sounds like the start of a romance novel or a horror movie. For Danielle from Ohio, it veered closer to the latter. Mohamed moved to the U.S. from Tunisia after he and Danielle got engaged. He made his boundaries clear regarding physical intimacy. While some of it can be chalked up to his culture or personal preference, many wondered if he’s just not that into her/

So Much Toxicity

Mohamed was not in this relationship. He was distant, acted shady, and started seeing another woman he claimed was just a friend. Even after they said I did, his behavior didn’t change. Despite this, it was Danielle who came out as the villain this season. She was pushy and didn’t respect Mohamed’s boundaries, no matter what his reasons for them were.

While they were separated, she threatened to have him deported, harassed him, and stalked him to get his address. TLC might’ve thought her screaming a pre-typed speech outside his house at night was funny, when really it was despicable (and messy).

4 Angela and Michael

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

Angela and Michael are a tough couple to watch, primarily due to Angela. She is an older American woman who was dating a Nigerian man named Michael. When she came to Nigeria to visit him, her jealousy already started to rear its head.

Michael was by no means a perfect partner. He admitted to cheating on her, and other instances of infidelity were confirmed later. Additionally, and in part due to cultural differences, he had pretty rigid views about women and their “place” in relationships.

This Isn’t Entertainment

Yet none of that justifies Angela’s abuse. As the seasons went on, her behavior became increasingly worse and may cause viewers to wonder why TLC didn’t step in to put a stop to it. They had many breakups during the show, but the most explosive happened when Angela surprised Michael in Nigeria.

Under the influence of alcohol, she and a friend bombarded his house, ripped apart his car, screamed for him to come outside, and eventually laid her hands on him. Later, and what makes this even messier, is Angela and the narrative of the show painted her as the wronged person who was in the right to do much of this.

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3 Jorge and Anfisa

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé Season 4

Jorge and Anfisa were a couple featured in season four. Anfisa, a young Russian woman was said to be “out of his league,” but interested in the comfortable, luxurious life Jorge promised her. He was under no misconception that Anfisa was heavily motivated by money, which made the fact that he largely lied about his income all the more baffling.

This is a divisive couple because some viewers appreciated that Anfisa stated what many viewers thought. The older American was there for the status a young, conventionally attractive partner brought, and the other half of the couple was there for the lifestyle.

Time to Move On

However, this couple is more than Anfisa’s brutal honesty. Because Jorge isn’t a very likable guy and misled Anfisa, many ignored the verbal and physical abuse she inflicted upon him. Keying his car, hacking his phone, and striking him. If this is what viewers were seeing on-screen, what happened when the camera crew packed up?

While the show didn’t capture them finally calling it quits, the last few episodes they appeared on were a slow, drawn-out breakup with each taking jabs at the other to save face.

2 Darcey and Jesse

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Season 1

Darcey has been on several iterations of 90 Day Fiance, including a spin-off with her identical twin sister. One relationship that continues to follow her is that with Jesse, a younger Dutchman with a short fuse. Many doubt whether Darcey truly loved Jesse, or simply loved the way he looked, but there had to be something between the pair to keep them continuing to go back with one another. Their arguments got quite nasty, often ending in yelling matches and tears.

Cut It Out

Their most infamous fight happened when Jesse was preparing to meet Darcey’s daughters for the first time. Who knew telling someone to cut the meat on the bias would lead to such explosiveness? In a non-captured fight, Jesse claimed Darcey hit him with a shoe and threatened to call the police.

It’s difficult to pinpoint when their “true” breakup was, as they were off-and-on several times throughout the show. A scene of them in a car where Jesse basically calls Darcey a criminal and alcoholic, didn’t sit well with the audience, nor Darcey. It’s best these two cut each other out of their lives.

1 Paul and Karine

Got Together During 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Season 1

At the start of Paul and Karine’s story, few would’ve guessed the storm brewing for these two. Paul arrived in Brazil and things got off to a rocky start when he asked her to take an STD and pregnancy test. This small conflict was a window into their inability to resolve issues.

In a later episode, an argument ended with Paul “lost” in the trees and Karine getting mugged trying to find him. Paul also lied about his criminal history. The show documented their miscarriage, and while the support between them was nice, it didn’t last.

A Quick Decline

A lot of their messy breakup came after the season ended. Eventually, they were expecting a child again and during the tell-all, Paul voiced concerns about the paternity. And Karine did insinuate being a bit overly friendly with contacts in Brazil. If they thought a baby would smooth things over, they were wrong. Police have gotten involved in claims of domestic violence on both sides.

As of 2024, they have two children and their kids were taken away due to the unstable environment. Unfortunately, this messy breakup involves innocent people as well.


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