CAA Netflix, Mubi, Anton Corp, Charades, Goodfellas The Match Factory 

CAA Netflix, Mubi, Anton Corp, Charades, Goodfellas The Match Factory 

CAA Media Finance's Roger Sutherland, Goodfellas' Vincent Maraval and Recorded Picture Company's Jeremy Thomas are set to attend the 2024 Creative Investors Conference at the San Sebastian Film Festival, which is being held for the third year in a row in collaboration with CAA Media Finance.

The conference will take place from September 24 to 25 at the Tabacalera Center in San Sebastián.

Other top executives who appear poised to step up to the festival as the global film industry debates how to move forward despite a delayed post-pandemic box office recovery and shrinking global investment in streaming include Netflix’s Teresa Moneo, Mubi’s Bobby Allen, Anton Corp.’s Louis Balsan, Charades’ Johan Conte, France’s Caroline Pingeot at Haut et Court, Anonymous Content’s David Davoli, Infinity Hill’s Axel Koschewatsky, Good Chaos’ Mike Goodridge, K&S Films’ Matthias Musteren, Margot Robbie’s Bronte Payne at LuckyChap Entertainment, Killer Films’ Christine Vachon and The Match Factory’s Michael Weber.

CAA Media Finance's Sutherland will be at the conference, with some of the talks moderated by him, CAA's Sarah Schweitzman and Nick Ogione, as well as Wendy Mitchell, San Sebastian delegate and consultant.

Thomas will be the subject of fireside chat.

The third conference looks set to face significant challenges, with at least one session focusing on the US film scene, at a time when film financing is suffering from a lack of options for domestic distribution in the US.

Other issues on the table include the film and TV landscape in Europe, with American producers increasingly looking to soft-money sources in Europe to finance joint projects, one reason why this year's conference may focus more on Europe and beyond, such as South Korea.

Also scheduled to be discussed are international opportunities for the Spanish market; an examination of the Korean film market; how producers are taking advantage of new ways of collaboration; and where the film industry and film financing are headed in the future, the San Sebastian festival announced Monday.

The detailed schedule will be announced in the next few days.

“We are very pleased to have the support of the Spanish government to present this unique conference that brings together some of the film industry leaders from around the world for thought-provoking discussions as well as the opportunity to engage with the Spanish film industry and the festival as a whole. We thank our friends CAA Media Finance for their wonderful collaboration on this event, which has grown over the past two years to welcome back executives and investors in 2024.”

The 3rd San Sebastian Creative Investors Conference is part of Spanish Shows: Finance and Technology, one of the pillars of Spanish Shows XXL: International Market Platform for Spanish Production, a project supported by the Spanish Ministry of Culture through the ICAA Film Agency and the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Civil Service, channelling their support through ICEX Spain Trade and Investment, the Málaga Festival and the San Sebastian Festival.

Confirmed conference delegates so far:

Bobby Allen, MUBI;

Louis Balsan, Anton Company;

Caroline Pingo, Supreme Court and Court;

Saul Bondi, One Two Films;

Jeffrey Clifford, Heyday Films;

Johann Comte, Satires;

David Davoli, Anonymous Content;

Samuel Duque, TIS Productions (Paramount Pictures);

Jennifer Fox, Produced by Jennifer Fox;

Lorenzo Gangarosa, Our Films;

Mike Goodridge, Good Mess;

Jung In Hong, Plus M Entertainment;

Robin Kermans, Caviar;

Jonathan Kerr, Bridge Productions;

Axel Koschevatzky, Infinity Hill;

David Linde;

Vincent Maraval, Good Guys;

Teresa Moneo, Netflix;

Matthias Mosterin, K&S Films;

Sarah Murphy, Fat City;

Bronte Payne, Lucky Chap Entertainment;

Danny Perkins, Elysian Film Group;

Vanya Schlogel, Atwater Capital;

Scott Schuman, IFC Films;

Wenxin She, Tencent/Huayi/Honey;

David Taghioff, International Photo Library;

Jeremy Thomas, Photo Recording Company;

Meg Thompson, Global Jet;

Christine Vachon, Killer Movies;

Michael Weber, Match Factory

Fabian Westerhoff, the film's constellation.


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