Chuck Todd Blasts NBC News On-Air Over Ronna McDaniel Hire

Chuck Todd Blasts NBC News On-Air Over Ronna McDaniel Hire

Chuck Todd left moderating duties at “Meet The Press” behind several months ago, but he isn’t through with the show yet.

During a surprising appearance on Sunday’s broadcast of the program on NBC, Todd took issue with a decision to hire former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel as an NBC News contributor, then put her on “Meet The Press” for an interview with current moderator Kristen Welker, who had booked McDaniel prior to the hiring becoming known.

“You got put into an impossible situation, booking this interview, and then all of a sudden the rug was pulled out from under you, and you find out she’s being paid to show up?” Todd said Sunday. “It’s unfortunate for this program, but I am glad you did the best that you could.”

“Our bosses owe you an apology for putting you in this situation,” he said to Welker, in separate remarks. Welker disclosed on air that a possible booking of McDaniel had been in the works for weeks and that she was not involved in the decision to hire her.

Todd’s remarks appear to be a rebuke aimed at Carrie Budoff Brown, the NBC News executive who oversees political coverage and “Meet The Press,” or Rebecca Blumenstein, the NBC News president to whom she reports. Blumestein joined NBC News from The New York Times last year, and has, since her arrival, masw hires aimed at bolstering NBC News’ investigative efforts and political coverage. During her early tenure, NBC News hired David Rohde from The New Yorker, installed Welker at “Meet The Press” and orchestrated a change in command at “Dateline.”

During the interview, Welker pushed McDaniel on her views on the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election as well as former President Trump’s promise to pardon anyone punished for involvement in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

More to come…


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