Cancel Netflix Trends After Major Political Donation Revealed

Cancel Netflix Trends After Major Political Donation Revealed

Oh my god, the human race does it again, this time with a massive number of people making the hashtag. #CancelNetflix is ​​trending on X After it was revealed that former CEO Reed Hastings He donated $7 million of his own money in an effort to see Kamala Harris in the White House. In November, the hashtag began trending earlier this afternoon after a report (via MSN) that Hastings had donated his own money to a pro-Harris political action committee. Hastings co-founded Netflix In 1997 with Marc Randolph, who has since stepped down as CEO, But he remains CEO.

The revelation sparked outrage from X users and Trump supporters, with many sharing screenshots of themselves canceling the broadcast due to the massive donation. Harris’ presidential campaign managed to bring in The film grossed $81 million in the first 24 hours. After US President Joe Biden decided to exit the current circus and instead throw his weight behind his vice president, who looks set to face Republican candidate and convicted felon Donald Trump at the polls later this year.

@theEXECUTIONER_ is calling on fellow “patriots” to do the right thing, saying there are “plenty of other streaming options available.”

@markgreenpoint says he doesn't “support companies that support communists.” Who knew red was Harris' color?

@finn_tabulos says she's managed to stay strong despite all the other calls to boycott Netflix, but this is the last straw!

Finally, there's @D4rkR0b who says… well, we don't even know what he's trying to say.


President Biden’s recent announcement that he is stepping down has, of course, drawn more attention to the White House race than it did when it was just him and Trump. With Harris in the picture, the “us versus them” mentality has become even more astonishing, with many descending into racial slurs to get their point across, much as it was when Barack Obama was president. A new wave of hate targeting Harris, her race, and her gender seems to be the preferred response of MAGA believers who are determined to keep their guns, strip women of their autonomy, and not see America descend into a “socialist” country. Oh, and did we mention that the transgender community is being targeted for their hate? That too.

However, when it comes to canceling Netflix, it’s not all doom and gloom on social media, with users also pointing out the absurdity of the whole thing. For example, @piyushmittal points out that if you’re going to cancel the streaming service, Why not cancel Trump's nomination too? After all, he did donate to Harris at one point.

Despite our hatred for AI, @ProseccoLiquido shared a funny Christmas meme to show her thoughts on the matter.

Then there's @AtticsOfUrLife, who says they've opened a second account thanks to Hastings' donation.

@Decodnlyfe1 says they would gladly renew their Netflix subscription for another eight years if given the chance, accompanied by a .gif of Harris laughing.

Finally, there’s @Thepartyflorist, who was quick to point out that the same people who love to cry about cancel culture are the same people who are now crying about canceling Netflix. How’s that Alanis Morissette song going? Isn’t that ironic?


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While Netflix may see a number of cancellations in the coming hours and maybe days, when it finally boils down to it, it’s still the number one streaming platform on the planet with over 277 million subscribers, compared to others like Apple TV+, which is lagging far behind. Will this hurt its bottom line? Probably not. Will it bring in more subscribers? Of course! Cry all you want, but despite efforts to boycott the streaming platform once again, They were still laughing all the way to the bank.


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