Cocaine Sharks Found in Brazillian Oceans

Cocaine Sharks Found in Brazillian Oceans

Cinematic success of the horror comedy film cocaine bear He was responsible for numerous imitation films depicting monsters from the animal kingdom on drugs and running rampages through cities, swamps, and even the ocean. However, one of those films, cocaine sharkIt made a sudden leap from screen to real-world newsreels, as sharks off the coast of Brazil apparently tested positive for class A drugs.

cocaine shark It’s a ridiculous, wildly exaggerated story about fish that transform into ferocious killing machines after a lab explosion. The resulting film is filled with the kind of animation that can be created for free online these days, and is reserved for fans of “bad” movies. However, the news that all 13 sharp-nosed sharks used in a study by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Brazil were found to have concentrations of cocaine up to 100 times higher than those found in other studies of animals is not amusing at all. Instead, it’s a harsh reality about the way humans impact the natural world.

Research has long suggested that drugs left by smugglers in the oceans around Florida and Central and South America are having a detrimental effect on aquatic wildlife in the region. Now, the latest report, based on tests on 13 sharks caught by fishing vessels, has found that all tested positive for the drug. Tests on the fish’s muscle and liver tissue showed unusually high levels of the drug in the muscle samples in particular. However, it is not yet known exactly how the sharks are actually affected by the drug situation, as the report does not go into that level of detail.

Animal Cocaine Movies Become Big Business in 2023

Cocaine shark is a hammerhead creature.
Wild Eye

Along with the general boom in low-budget horror movies, films focusing on the consequences of wild animals coming into contact with cocaine and other drugs have become a strange craze in 2023. Elizabeth Banks's highly successful film, cocaine bearIt didn't take long for movies like Myth Gator, CrackConAnd cocaine shark To appear on dozens of video-on-demand and live streaming platforms.

while cocaine bear This movie turned out to be a surprisingly entertaining horror film, and while it may be unlikely, the wave of similar films that followed became increasingly ridiculous. cocaine shark The film did a little better than most, even though only three critics on Rotten Tomatoes reviewed it (and only one of them liked it). But for audiences, the film deserved a 50% approval rating, which may not sound great, but compared to the scores many of these films have received, it almost deserved an Oscar.


Cocaine Bear: How do you know the cast?

Cocaine Bear was a commercial success and was a lot of fun despite its weird style. Here's where to find the cast.

While the “cocaine” movie trend seems to have lost its luster after a year, there was originally a chance that cocaine bear There may be a sequel to the movie. While it's still unclear whether that will happen, it seems that the real world is stepping up to fill the gap left by the dwindling number of these films, by offering its own version of the animal world. train control.

cocaine shark
It is currently streaming on Hoopla and Tubi.


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