How Jason Statham Missed Out on the Role of Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders

How Jason Statham Missed Out on the Role of Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders

Jason Statham He doesn’t complain much about his career. Over the course of nearly three decades, he has starred in numerous high-grossing films, making him one of Hollywood’s most beloved actors. Although America has given him most of his success, he has remained proudly British, retaining much of his accent even when films require minor adjustments. Because he is reluctant to change his singing, many screenwriters and directors tend to make sure his characters have British ancestry.

It's understood that Statham was high on the list when Peaky Blinders Creator Steven Knight was looking for someone to play crime boss-turned-politician Tommy Shelby. Although the actor had never starred in a TV show, he seemed like the perfect fit for a story that blended 1920s English history with life in the underworld.

After all, he had a big name. Moreover, he played a semi-criminal in British gangster films like to kidnap and Lock, stock and smoking barrels. During the casting process, series creator Steven Knight also considered Cillian Murphy, an actor who wasn't exactly top-notch but had strong potential. Murphy eventually won the “Battle of Birmingham,” but had to fire an extra cannonball to secure victory.

Jason Statham was Steven Knight's first choice to play Tommy Shelby.

Speaking to Esquire magazine, Steven Knight revealed that: He met the actors. To see who most resembles early 20th century gangsters, one person easily stands out.

“I met them in LA to talk about the role and I chose Jason. One of the reasons is that Jason in the room is Jason. When you meet Cillian, it’s not Tommy, but I was stupid enough not to understand that.”

The stage was almost set. Over the next few years, Statham would play one of the most intriguing characters on television. One who steals a government arms cache and still manages to discuss gardening with Winston Churchill. One who faces every kind of threat, from a Jewish gangster who crucifies enemies and calls the act “biblical” to a vengeful Italian-American gangster, and yet emerges victorious. It wasn’t to be.

Cillian Murphy felt he might miss out on a life-changing role, so he chose not to abide by the “Don't call us… we'll call you” rule. Text Nate later. “With a simple message.”Remember, I'm an actor.Such a move might have angered the show's producers and other directors, but The knight understood exactly what he meant.Although the up-and-coming actor didn't look scary in character, he was easily able to transform himself into anyone, which can be proven by looking at his previous works.

Peaky Blinders is not suitable for Jason Statham's personality

During Tommy's wedding in season three, he gave his men a simple order:

“No fighting!”

This is a rule he also adheres to for most of the series. Except for a few occasions, such as when he engages in a Coyote-Road Runner-type chase with Luca Changretta through the rough alleys of Birmingham, he acts like a man with an aversion to needless bloodshed. Most of his battles he wins psychologically.And when he needs to, he uses his underlings to do the dirty work. It's the perfect way for a crime boss to act. But would Statham have done it?

Hollywood's first star Not well known as a dramatic actor.He talks less and punches more. This is what audiences expect from him and certainly not what they expected here. They may have been frustrated by having to endure for long periods without any noticeable action. As such, the show may have lost a lot of its fan base along the way.

As Knight pointed out, Statham is physically intimidating.However, part of Tommy Shelby's appeal lies in the fact that he is someone who is easy to underestimate. His enemies keep testing him because they are not afraid of him.This is something they always regret.

There's no denying that Statham would have looked good in a Baker Boy suit and hat, but It's not Tommy Shelby.Like Tom Hardy, he probably would have been better off playing one of the series' villains or antiheroes. It's a real shame he was never cast in another role.

The show's success proves that Knight made the right choice.

The decision to choose the lead actor can make or break a show, success Peaky Blinders Proving that Cillian Murphy was the right choiceHe gave a powerful and critically acclaimed performance as the hardened, rebellious criminal, making it hard to see anyone else in the role. If Murphy learned one thing during his audition, it was how to turn understatement into triumph. With the actor at the helm, the British crime drama became so popular that Netflix acquired the worldwide rights to it and funded a sixth season as well as a final film. In addition, the show has consistently received numerous accolades from award organizations across the UK.

As Murphy noted, he's an “actor” (perhaps a slight allusion to Statham's one-dimensionality) and that's why he won an Oscar for his first major role in a major Hollywood film (OppenheimerIt is worth noting that Statham has only been nominated for four awards in his career, two of which were Razzie Awards.Obviously Statham could star in a gangster show if he wanted to, but he's better suited to something that uses the action-packed crime drama template like London Gangsfrom Peaky Blindersand it is Designed specifically for viewers who appreciate dense, immersive shows..

It will be interesting to see where Cillian Murphy's career goes from here. The stars of several other popular crime dramas have seen their popularity wane after the finale, but Murphy seems to be heading in the opposite direction.His success with Oppenheimer Proves we haven't seen the best of him. Hopefully the good roles keep coming, but from here he may need to find a better agent rather than relying on text messages.

Peaky Blinders
Available to stream in the US on Netflix.


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