K-Pop Idols Creators Discuss Their Apple TV+ Docuseries with BLACKSWAN, Jessi & Cravity

K-Pop Idols Creators Discuss Their Apple TV+ Docuseries with BLACKSWAN, Jessi & Cravity

Executive producers Jack Turner and Bradley Crump spoke with MovieWeb about developing and producing the amazing new documentary series K-Pop Idols for Apple TV+. The two discussed the music industry and Korean idols, building trust with artists and labels, and the incredible work these young people put into becoming stars. K-Pop Idols is streaming now on Apple TV+.

Brilliance and courage meet in this behind-the-scenes tour with artists from around the world. Through trials and triumphs, Jessi, Kravit, and BlackSwan give their all to an art form that demands nothing less than perfection. Over the course of six episodes, the series follows the stars through trials and triumphs as they break cultural and musical barriers in K-pop with passion, creativity, and determination while chasing their dreams.

“K-Pop Idols” is produced for Apple TV+ by Boat Rocker’s Matador Content with Emmy Award-winning executive producers Todd Lubin (“Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry”) and Jack Turner (“War Game”), alongside Emmy Award-winning Jay Peterson (“Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry”), Bradley Crump (“Lord of War”), Chris Kasich (“Citizen Sleuth”), Eric Eugene Kim (“Undoing”), Sue Kim (“The Speed ​​Cubers”) and Elise Chung (“Bling Empire”).


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