The Passion of the Christ Sequel Could Become an Offensive Disaster

The Passion of the Christ Sequel Could Become an Offensive Disaster


  • Mel Gibson's controversial past behavior in the early 2000s has divided audiences when it comes to the Hollywood star.
  • Jim Caviezel's role as Jesus in Gibson's upcoming film adds to the potential controversy surrounding the project.
  • Despite Gibson's commitment to sobriety, his questionable choices in films and associations could further damage his reputation.

please, Mel Gibson…don't do this again. It took us a while to forgive you for the anti-Semitic comments you made during a traffic stop in Malibu in 2006, not to mention the threats and insults I directed at you. Highly Racist and misogynistic voicemails he left to his ex-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, in 2010 – again while heavily intoxicated. And should we mention his bizarre series of films that always seem to feature him as a victim of torture? And then there’s the original film about the life of Jesus, The Passion of Christwhich can only implicate Jewish religious leaders in the death of the Christian Messiah. Listen, Mel… where there's smoke, there's fire – and linking all this behavior to alcohol simply doesn't cut it. We want to forgive you… but it's really hard.

The truth is, we all loved Mel Gibson – the extremely handsome and extremely talented Australian actor who graced the pages of teen magazines in the 1990s after his roles in Mad Max And the deadly weapon Excellence. To measure the mile-or-meter scale in those days, let us remember No ideaIn this film, Cher Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone) corrects a line from a Shakespeare play for a better-educated woman, thanks to her love for Gibson (who recently played Prince Hamlet on screen).

See, the Australian import was a huge hit with American audiences in the 1980s and remained a cult classic throughout the 1990s before some of the post-2000 Hollywood disasters that were too notorious to ignore. Now, Gibson is set to direct a sequel to this already controversial look at the death of Jesus Christ..Oh!

Why We Want to Forgive Mel Gibson

Retroactively forgiving Gibson’s hate speech and alcoholism is not easy. Gibson’s famous supporters, like Robert Downey Jr. and Jodie Foster, have urged us to move on from his past transgressions. They say we all make mistakes. Hollywood (or at least the financial side of the business) gave him a second chance.mostly in gritty action films that are neither the highest-budget nor the best of his career. However, even his most ardent critics must admit… it's been a lot of fun to see Gibson in modern versions of the major action roles he's played.

There's no doubt that Gibson has given nostalgic performances in films like pulled through concrete, force of natureand The thiefNow, Gibson is poised to return to the top of Hollywood—where his late-career performance could put him back on top, and possibly even earn him an Oscar nomination. But frankly— That's why this may not be the right time to make another potentially offensive religious film with Q-Anon star Jim Caviezel..

Gibson’s association with an obscure, conservative Christian sect was, in itself, a problem for fans of the actor. However, our collective love for a generation of soon-to-be-departed action stars has actually helped us rediscover our love for Tom Cruise, years after his reputation became the stuff of pee-cakes (thanks to the Oprah Winfrey scandal and all that Scientology crap).

Jim Caviezel makes this movie even harder to enjoy.

Add to that the recent public persona of Gibson's friend, Jim Caviezel, who will play Christ again in Emotion 2 – We literally slip When considering the release of this film, Caviezel’s last role was playing Tim Ballard, a “hero” who saves helpless victims from a sex trafficking ring. The problem is that investigative journalists have poked holes in this “true story” and its fictional illumination of ultra-conservative QAnon conspiracy theories, which are the internet’s version of toxic waste.

While Gibson certainly deserves credit for his 14-plus years of sobriety, by most accounts, the bigger issue has been the actor’s association with his father’s ultra-conservative Catholic sect, known as Sedivism. He has spoken out against taxpayer-funded stem cell research on the grounds that embryos are cloned and destroyed as part of the process.

It would be hard to fully forgive Mel Gibson.

He also criticised what he believed to be state interference in the affairs of its citizens, as well as the role of governments around the world in diplomatic intervention in international conflicts. This is a rather strange, and seemingly nationalistic, viewpoint for an actor/filmmaker.

However, years later, the hardest part of negotiating our former love for Mel Gibson now is that The highly publicized traffic stop in 2006 where Gibson unleashed his anti-Semitic tiradeThey inspired Endeavor mogul Ari Emanuel, Gibson’s main agent at the time, to immediately drop Gibson as a WME client and issue a public statement denouncing his behavior. Furthermore, if you listen to those voicemails again — it’s really hard to believe that Gibson ever returned to a Hollywood acting career.

Assuming this was an alcohol-induced rage from which the actor was able to reform himself, he is once again taking the bizarre step of trying to make another potentially offensive religious film—just when we were ready to move on. Adding the controversial Jim Caviezel to the mix, just two years after he made one of the most conspiracy-theorist, conservative-leaning films ever made, is another potentially offensive decision. The result could set Gibson’s public image back decades. rent The Passion of Christ On AppleTV+.


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