Yay! Napoleon Dynamite 20th Anniversary Live-Stream Announcement!

Yay! Napoleon Dynamite 20th Anniversary Live-Stream Announcement!

As part of the ongoing celebration of the 20th anniversary of Napoleon Dynamite, fans will be able to virtually watch the iconic film with stars Jon Heder (Napoleon) and Efren Ramirez (Pedro). In this first-of-its-kind livestreamed screening, fans of the beloved film will be able to watch live with the stars, and possibly some surprise guests, as they reminisce about their experiences and behind-the-scenes stories as the film is screened in full. A WatchAlong session will follow after the screening.

Ticket price: $15.

Tickets/info at www.ViewSlipstream.com

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer / LA Loves Alex's Lemonade. WatchAlong can be viewed on all popular browsers, phones and tablets. The event will last approximately 3 hours and is available in the US and Canada.


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