‘I’m Quite Protective Over It’

‘I’m Quite Protective Over It’

Jodie Whittakeralso known as the first female protagonist in the show's decades-long history, Doctor from,She was considering the controversial ending to her iteration of the iconic character.Her tenure as the Thirteenth Doctor was a wonderful one, with the acclaimed actress playing the role with a cheerful eagerness for adventure and building new things, as well as valuing friendship above all else. Speaking of friendships, Whittaker takes a cautious approach to some of the season's most important moments, particularly the relationship between the Doctor and her companion Yaz.

The pivotal episode, titled “The Power of the Doctor,” marked both the end and the beginning of an era. Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor struggled to regenerate and continue Doctor from being. But it's the unresolved romantic tension between the doctor and her companion Yasmin Khan (played by Mandeep Gill) that has fans hooked.Throughout the series, they shared a slow-paced dynamic that captivated fans. When Yaz finally confirmed her feelings in the episode leading up to the finale, they hoped Whittaker's character would reciprocate. But that never happened.

Whittaker now reveals that this was intentional. Not only was it an artistic choice to maintain the appeal of the Doctor's character, but it was also the version that made sense to them. Speaking to the Radio Times, she described the experience of filming her final episode as “a really beautiful thing”.

“I’m very protective of the film. It was such a beautiful film, especially the scenes in the TARDIS – it was really beautiful to shoot, because that was our last day. So we shot those scenes and then went and sat on top of the TARDIS and then shot in isolation, right after that, the moment of regeneration. And I think those shots, even though they don’t fit together in terms of the story, for us, because that’s how we shot the film, it felt like a beautiful progression in the dynamic and the relationship that they had.”

Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill will return to The Whoniverse

While emphasizing the chemistry she shared with Mandeep Gill both on and off screen, Whittaker was also keen to delve into their dynamic and acknowledge how beautifully they had evolved. After all, the weight of portraying such an iconic character came with responsibilities. Whittaker’s Doctor was simple yet multifaceted, and while the ending didn’t deliver the romantic resolution fans expected, it had all the elements that made Doctor Who an enduring classic.

“I don't think it's a remake,” agreed Gill, who agreed with Whitaker, saying, “This is the remake. This is where we left it. This is how it happened.” The two stars clearly have a strong friendship, as evidenced by their similar sentiments about the ending.


Top 20 Doctor Who Companions Over the Years, Ranked

From teachers and journalists to teenagers and barmaids, here's our ranking of Doctor Who's most memorable companions over the past 60 years.

But the story doesn't end here. Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill are set to return to Doctor from beingBut this time, they're trying a new and exciting format – audio adventures. The Adventures of the Thirteenth DoctorThe series, produced by Big Finish Productions, consists of twelve hour-long episodes that revolve around their adventures. Both Whittaker and Gill have described the series as

“They’re kind of isolated stories – rather than being about the Doctor and Yaz’s relationship, they’re the adventure of the episode. It’s these guys on their journeys, what they come across, the natural banter between them and their chemistry, but also the protection they have for each other. But we haven’t seen anything beyond that. So there could be an episode… that gives us time to explore that. But right now we’re focused on the adventure at hand.”

Doctor Who: The Adventures of the Thirteenth Doctor
It is expected to be released in July 2025.
Doctor from
Meanwhile, the movie can be streamed on Disney+.


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