The Acolyte Introduced a Fan-Favorite Villain in the Finale

The Acolyte Introduced a Fan-Favorite Villain in the Finale


  • disciple
    The finale confirms the long-awaited appearance of Darth Plagueis, paving the way for a dark and intriguing second season.
  • Plagueis's story with Palpatine and the Sith rule over the two points to a power struggle between Q'mir, Osha, and their mysterious master.
  • With Plagueis interested in Osha's unique origins, Season 2 of
    If renewed, it promises a complex journey to the dark side of the Force.

This article contains spoilers for the Season 1 finale of disciple On Disney+.the most recent star Wars Series on Disney+, discipleIts first season has just ended, and fan reactions have been mixed. Some claim the series is one of the best original stories in star Wars So far, some have called it the worst thing Disney has ever produced under Lucasfilm ownership, but most fans fall somewhere in the middle.

However you may feel about the story discipleThere is no denying that the series has been a huge success in terms of expanding the scope of comprehensive knowledge and basic rules. star Wars The franchise is on screen. One of the most significant additions was not a core aspect of the show but rather a brief teaser used by the series to set up a possible second season. In the season one finale, disciple Confirms the existence of the legendary Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis. This is star Wars The character that fans have been dying to see on screen for nearly two decades, and they finally got their wish. With that in mind, Here's what we know about Darth Plagueis and how he could factor into the upcoming season of disciple If there is one.

Darth Plagueis the Wise appears briefly in The Acolyte.

As a character, Darth Plagueis was first mentioned in 2005.In the last chapter of star Wars Preliminary Trilogy, Episode 3 – Revenge of the SithIn this film, Chancellor Palpatine shares the story of Plagueis with Anakin Skywalker. This scene has become one of the most iconic moments in cinematic history. star Wars The franchise, as Palpatine speaks of “the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise,” tells Anakin of the old Sith Lord's obsession with immortality and how it ultimately led to his death.

There are many layers to this scene, most notably the fact that Palpatine is secretly Darth Sidious, Plagueis' former apprentice who killed the legendary Sith in his sleep. Palpatine uses this story as a means to lure Anakin closer to the dark side by wanting to use the same powers Plagueis discovered to save his wife, Padmé Amidala. In the end, Palpatine succeeded in manipulating Anakin.where the Jedi fell completely to the dark side, becoming the new Sith apprentice, Darth Vader.

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Beyond the talk of Plagueis in Revenge of the SithThe legendary character has appeared very accurately throughout the current time. star Wars His story has been greatly expanded through books such as the 2012 book Star Wars: Darth Plagueis Written by James Luceno, but these stories were soon made non-canonical after Disney bought Lucasfilm. There were brief references to him in canonical stories such as the new novels. Leaving And Shadow of the SithBut it wasn't very deep. Plagues appear in the final disciple He is a firm promise to explore his story in law.although there are several different ways this can happen.

Sith Rule of Two in Star Wars

While Plagueis appears at the end, discipleNo specific details about his actual involvement in the story have been confirmed yet, leading fans to speculate wildly about his role. The most common assumption seems to be that Plagueis is the Sith Master to Manny Jacinto's Qimir, the main antagonist of disciplealso known as the stranger. This would go along with The Sith Rule of Two, which states that there can be no more than two Sith operating at one time: a master and an apprentice.Since Kemir did not officially call Mai Anisia as his apprentice at the beginning, discipleWe can assume he has a master of his own somewhere. Plagueis's appearance at the end fits well into this scenario..

The Rule of Two is usually implemented in one of two ways: the apprentice kills his master, takes over the role of master and recruits his own apprentice, or the master kills the apprentice and takes on a new, stronger apprentice to take his place. Sometimes, a Sith apprentice will bring his own apprentice, secretly taking him under his wing in a plot to kill his master. This has been seen in star Wars This was the case on numerous occasions, most notably when Count Dooku, Darth Sidious' apprentice at the time, began training Nightsister Asajj Ventress. It is also believed that Sidious followed the same approach, possibly starting to train Darth Maul as his apprentice before killing Plagueis.

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If Plagueis is the Sith Lord of Qimir, then by the end of this first season, Osha Aniseya is the young new disciple who is being secretly trained. Given Plagueis' appearance in discipleIn the image of him watching from afar as Qimir and Osha board a ship and leave together, we can assume that he is not too happy about his student taking on his own apprentice. Alternatively, it is possible that Plagueis is not Qimir's master at all, and instead, they are both unknowingly working as apprentices to the same master, Darth Tenebrous. This will put Plagueis and Qimir in direct confrontation with each other in Season 2.As they both compete for Tenebrous' approval.

The Road to Tragedy in The Acolyte

Whatever direction Lucasfilm decides to take with Plagueis in Season 2 of discipleThe story is likely not going to end well for the main characters Qimir and Osha. We know this because the story is already well established in star Wars The law that Eventually, Plagueis takes on the task of training Palpatine, who is ultimately killed by him.The stories of Osha and Chimera are new and take place approximately 100 years before Palpatine trained with Darth Maul in the first prequel film, Episode 1 – The Phantom Menacewhich began around the same time as Plagueis' death.

During the star Wars From the stories we've received so far, we know that Palpatine/Darth Sidious tended to pit his apprentices against other powerful Force users who might replace them. He did this to ensure that he only trained the most powerful new Sith. Sidious ordered Anakin Skywalker to kill Count Dooku at the beginning of Revenge of the Sithand later continually tested Darth Vader against a variety of other powerful Force wielders he wished to train, including Luke Skywalker at the end of Episode 6 – Return of the JediWe can see Plagueis taking the same approach in discipleWhere Gameer and Usha turn against each other, with the goal of training only the strongest who will win in the end.

In addition to all of this, we can also assume that Plagius will have a special interest in Osha, as she and her twin sister, Mai, were created by the sorcerers of Brendoc through the use of nothing but force. Given that Plagius is obsessed with creating immortality for himself, he would likely be quite fascinated by this ability to create life through force. He may view Osha's origin as the key to his own immortality, making her an important pawn in his plan for galactic domination. No matter which direction they choose, disciple Season 2 is unlikely to be the season that ends happily for Osha as she descends further to the dark side and is tested by both Qimir and Plagueis. disciple It is streaming on Disney+.


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